Everyone knows that spending time together in fellowship is an important part of keeping a family close and that is true of the church family. By building strong relationships, we open doors that often lead to opportunities for serving others in ways we never dreamed of. Here are a few ways that we come together in small groups and large to enjoy the company of fellow members and visitors. All are welcome.
Wednesday Night Supper in Ellis Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Night Suppers are the first Wednesday of the month from September through May. Dinner is at 6 p.m. with a program at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is provided, there is no need to bring anything. Donations are accepted to help cover the cost of the meal or contribute to the ministry being featured during the program but are not required. Children age 3 through 5th grade may participate in the Growing in Grace music ministry during the supper. Children are served dinner at 5:30. Nursery care is provided for younger children. Recent programs include Neighborhood Group Games, learning about Habitat for Humanity, and a children’s musical. Recent meals include Debbie Hart’s chicken spaghetti, pizza and ice cream sandwiches, and a taco bar.
Neighborhood Groups
The congregation at SPC is divided into 13 groups based loosely on geographical location of residency. One deacon and one elder serve as liaisons between group members and the church. It is not always necessary to go through the liaison when there are needs or news of members to be relayed to church staff or appropriate committees, but it is a good way to coordinate efforts to minister or celebrate with our church family. Many neighborhood groups enjoy socializing together throughout the year. It’s a great way for newcomers to get to know other families.
Men’s Breakfast Group
Meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 a.m. at Ken and Mary’s Restaurant to share fellowship and prayer concerns.
Committee volunteer opportunities
Committees – Much of the smooth running of SPC is dependent on the delegated responsibilities and work done by many committees. While most committees are chaired by a deacon, any church member is welcome to serve on a committee. Many committees are permanent and ongoing, while others are formed on an ad hoc basis.
Some of our permanent committees:
Discipleship Ministry
Member Life Ministry
Missions & Ministry
Nominating Committee
Rainbow Connection
Worship/Music & Ministry
Wednesday Night Suppers are resuming on the first Wednesdays of the month.