YOUTH HAS STARTED BACK!!!!! Yes! We had a great night this past Sunday and looking forward to seeing even more of you this Sunday. BUT WE NEED…… youth suppers on Sunday Nights! If you are interested, PLEASE Text CA or email and let me know when you are available to do youth supper on Sunday Nights. Youth Sunday School is amazing! If you have not been attending, we would love to have you! Great discussions and time together! 9:00 a.m. in the youth room!
Oct. 12 – Workshop in Matthews on Youth and Cell Phones. Cost is $10 (see previous email for more details) Contact Carol Ann to sign up. Parents are encouraged to attend! Oct. 16 – Creeper trail! Come ride bikes down the trail while you are out of school. Cost is $30. YOU MUST SIGN UP by Oct 8th – no late sign ups!
November 4-5 – Middle School Retreat at Camp Grier! – (9th graders are welcome to come) Sign up by October 8th! Should be a fun week-end!